LEGO Legends of Chima Online – Open Beta

Earlier this week, the LEGO Legends of Chima Online video game released it’s Open Beta version! Formerly, it was only closed beta, and had an NDA. Now, you can play Legends of Chima Online free, and without an NDA, so you can record videos, take screenshots and do whatever you want!

Chima Online Open Beta

Currently, the open Beta is only available in North America, and not for other countries. But thanks to Sim533 and nealybealy, those who do not live in North America can play too! All you have to do is

  1. Go to LEGO Universe News! Forums.
  2. Register for a free account, and follow THIS LINK.
  3. Follow the instructions by Sim533
  4. Have fun playing!

NOTE: When you get the code, do NOT share it with anyone else! This code is exclusively available on LEGO Universe News! Forums, and it needs to stay there. Do NOT re-post, re-distribute, or claim this as your own! (Although re-bloging is OK. 😉 ) It was created by Sim533 and Nealybealy.

play in other countriesThere are also some note-worthy videos that you might want to watch of LEGO Legends of Chima Online! These were recorded in the Closed-Beta phase, but are still relevant. Thanks to shafirsabbag for recording these videos!

See you later, Brickulator!


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